Legends Pizza Restaurant

Legends Pizza Kit Preparation and Cooking:

  1. Preheat the Oven: Begin by heating your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (204 degrees Celsius). This ensures a consistent cooking environment for your pizza.
  2. Prepare the Dough: Gently remove the dough from its packaging. Dust your hands and a clean, flat surface lightly with flour. Then, evenly apply a light coating of flour on all sides of the dough to prevent sticking.
  3. Shape the Dough: Place the dough on the floured surface. Start by pushing down on the dough ball with your fingertips, gently expanding its size. Keep the thickness uniform for even cooking.
  4. Stretch the Dough: Continue stretching the dough to your preferred size and shape. You can either use your hands to pull and rotate the dough, or a rolling pin for a more uniform thickness. Aim for a consistent thickness to ensure even baking.
  5. Prepare Baking Surface: Place the stretched dough onto a pre-prepared pizza stone or a non-stick baking sheet. If using a pizza stone, ensure it's been preheated in the oven. This will help in achieving a crispier crust.
  6. Add Toppings: Evenly spread the provided pizza sauce over the surface of the dough, leaving a small border around the edges for the crust. Sprinkle cheese evenly over the sauce, and then add your chosen toppings. Distribute them evenly for consistent flavor in every bite.
  7. Bake the Pizza: Carefully place the pizza in the preheated oven. Bake for 12-15 minutes. Keep an eye on the pizza; it's done when the cheese is bubbly and golden brown, and the crust is a light golden color.
  8. Serving: Once baked, remove the pizza from the oven. Let it cool for a few minutes to allow the cheese to set. Then, slice it into even pieces using a pizza cutter or a large, sharp knife. Serve hot and enjoy!

Note: Oven temperatures may vary. Keep an eye on your pizza as baking times can slightly differ depending on the oven and the thickness of your dough.